I finished Fast Food Nation yesterday. Hmm... I'm now very very concerned about eating at any fast food place -- especially in the US, except for maybe In n Out Burgers. Apparently they have bucked the trend and hand peel potatoes for their fries and buy their ground beef (minced meat) from smaller abbatoirs.
Those large abbatoir descriptions of how they butcher the meat and how the abbatoirs are cleaned as well as the health dangers of those feed lots have made me realise why people become vegetarians in the US. My concern is what happens here in Australia? Do we have the same problems as in the US with the butchering of meat? I know we still have hormone enduced fast growing chickens. I remember reading or hearing that the increased height and bust size of the younger generations was linked to the hormones in the meat we eat. When I read about the "bigger" breasted chickens it makes me wonder...
Went for a walk yesterday evening. Trying to shed those extra pounds we put on from the US/Canada trip. Have also been riding the exercise each weekday morning for 30 mins (up from 20 mins) so hopefully that helps a bit. Although I'm not walking to the city office now so maybe I'm just even?! I think tonight we're going to attempt to do a bit of a jog around the Oval and then come home and eat dinner.
Those large abbatoir descriptions of how they butcher the meat and how the abbatoirs are cleaned as well as the health dangers of those feed lots have made me realise why people become vegetarians in the US. My concern is what happens here in Australia? Do we have the same problems as in the US with the butchering of meat? I know we still have hormone enduced fast growing chickens. I remember reading or hearing that the increased height and bust size of the younger generations was linked to the hormones in the meat we eat. When I read about the "bigger" breasted chickens it makes me wonder...
Went for a walk yesterday evening. Trying to shed those extra pounds we put on from the US/Canada trip. Have also been riding the exercise each weekday morning for 30 mins (up from 20 mins) so hopefully that helps a bit. Although I'm not walking to the city office now so maybe I'm just even?! I think tonight we're going to attempt to do a bit of a jog around the Oval and then come home and eat dinner.