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Showing posts from September, 2008

The Chicken Story (part 2)

More Chicken Pics Betty and Wilma pecking around... and eating all those weeds we have Don't you love my hand painted sign... that took a whole hour and a half! The local watering hole. They seem to drink a fair amount of water per day. Either that or they are spilling it. We'll have to work out something for summer. Pecking around. They are cheeping less. I wonder when they will start 'boking'? Currently at 6 weeks... on the verge of 7 weeks. Apparently they increment by a week every Monday! See the bamboo pole. We picked that up from Flower Power for $2. It's quite long/tall.


We bought a couple of chickens last weekend from the  Chicks r Us  farm (Barter and Sons Hatchery).  We bought from them as I was very keen on getting an Australorp (black coloured chicken) rather than the normal Isa Brown. We ended up getting one  Australorp  (now named Betty) and one  Rhode Island Red  (now named Wilma). Day one was freezing so we kept the 5 old chicks in our bathtub. Pics from Day one are on the right. We brought the home in a box which was originally for Compost Worms.  The 'cheeped' all the way home!   In addition to the two chooks, we purchased a chicken feeder and some chicken feed.  Due to the young age of the chickens (we wanted Point of Lay but chickens are in high demand, so the oldest we could get was 5 weeks), we purchased $10 worth of chick feed and a bag of normal chicken feed.  Total cost of chickens, chicken feed holder and chicken feed and credit card fees: $68.11. There of course was lots of preparation work before the chickens could be '...