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Showing posts from October, 2010

Parramatta Interchange area

Recently I have been catching a train from Central to Parramatta and then changing over to a T-way bus (either the T65 or T65) to get home.  Apparently I should be doing the Central to Blacktown and catching a T-way bus from there but that kicks me into the next MyMultizone and it's just not worth it timewise.  The other alternative is of course catching the 616X or 616 from Haymarket to home... which is very convenient but takes forever!  (over 1.5 hours). Anyway one of the benefits of doing the swap over at Parramatta is the stop in Parramatta.  There is an IGA Xpress where I can pick up last minute groceries and they even usually have cheap bananas or strawberries on sale too.  There is a small fruit and vegetable shop and a smattering of other useful shops such as Chinese style bakery and a Chicken shop.  Priceline is also there but I never see it open when I go through unless it's Thursday late night shopping. I've been missing my Chinese groceries...

Food Inc

I have just watched Food Inc and thought I'd Spread the Word (yep I watched it via one of links to my favourite sites ).  I do love watching those films and reading books such as Michael Pollan's Omnivore's Dilemma and Eric Schlosser's Fast Food Nation but live in my little bubble that tells me that surely in Australia we don't have the high level's of industrialised food production that happens in the US.  But the food we buy is   still cheap... so are we industrialised?  I see the cattle that is farmed when we drive up to Howes Valley and they are grazing grass and not fed in feedlots... but then where are all these "grain fed" steaks coming from?  It scares me to think that they are marketing grain fed as a good thing when it's definitely unnatural for cows to be eating corn...   So what actions am I taking as part of watching this?  (Especially since I've now watched many similar food related documentaries including the very ...