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Showing posts from September, 2019

Is it Keto?

The keto diet I have been eating in a ketogenic way since October or November 2018 (I've been saying October but think it's actually November!). The main reasons are for general health given my mum and dad have both had cancer... and my mum and grandparents have/had diabetes.  It also helps that generally the advice from many influencers whom I follow on social media and podcasts have adopted a ketogenic or low carb diet. I've been on this way of eating for quite a few months and yet it still intimidates friends and family who ask what I can eat and still think "a bit of flour" is keto (cornflour or other flour in cooking).  Or the other evening when my friend organised "pork ribs" which was precooked and prepared and COVERED in BBQ sauce.  (Read the post I put up on Is it Keto about what to serve a friend if they are keto ).  You may be aware I set up my Keto 4 Asians site as I wanted to adapt to eating foods I like but with a ketogenic mindset...