A no cost, free way to build a standing desk We're currently house sitting (been doing that a lot over this xmas break). Now at my sister in law's place looking after a cat. One of the difficulties in being a nomad is my desk! I haven't got it set up right anywhere yet. Not even at my mother in law's place and even in Peakhurst when we hadn't settled in properly the desk or bench in that case was only temporary. I have been inspired by a number of IKEA hacks found on the internet but I'm quote happy with what I came up with by scrounging around. The box is 22cm high. I found a bluetooth media keyboard (which has an inbuilt trackpad - helps as there is no room for a mouse on this box!). The stool is a further 23cm taller than the box so my laptop is sitting on 55cm above desk height. It could be a bit taller but not much more. This is good for my height. The desk is a standard height at around 73cm. For comfort, the keyb...
Thoughts and mutterings from @vontweeter