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Showing posts from 2018

Why I'm ditching all my startups

I wrote this in 2017 but never published it.  Not for any real reason but just because it wasn't finished and I forgot about it.  In August 2018 I'm resurrecting it and publishing it.  Just in case it helps someone.  A few weeks ago we shut down 99interns 😢 after a few years in the market and good market recognition.  I shut down oddswop a couple of years ago (well kinda shut down.  I still need to deregister the company and finalise all the tax stuff).  But I still had New Home Review which was setup relatively recently and BadgerMe which was a couple of years old.  But even those are being shut down.  The BadgerMe back end was closed out last week and New Home Review, I've advised Ciaran and other people working on things that I'm shutting it down as well.  Because... I'm going all in on one startup.  Yes ONE .  And it's not even mine.  Well it is mine but I won't be the Founder.  I'll be the co-founder. It'...

Mind Hacks and No Sugar and No Wheat

I spent about a month with minimal added sugar and wheat.  And this is what happened... I'm sure that sounds familiar.  Maybe some clickbait type headline?  I've been wanting to reduce my wheat and sugar intake a bit and do some experimentation.  But needed a good way to force or convince myself to do it.  A mind hack.  Mind Hacks I love a good mind hack.  To me it's something I setup as a quasi constraint (ie a constraint totally made up by me!) that helps me towards a goal or something I want to achieve.  It's like setting artificial deadlines.  Fasting One of my major mind hacks is fasting.  Some of you may know that I've been doing my version of 5:2 where I fast two days a week and eat normally on the other 5 days.  Usually a 5:2 diet will allow up to 500 calories on the fasting days.  On Tuesdays and Thursdays (or days starting with "t"), I fast.  This doesn't include any coffee or tea or hot chocolates even...

Magic Mirror - IKEA frame hack

Somehow I stumbled on the Magic Mirror project and of course I wanted to build it.  Forget that I was in the middle of another mirror project (still not finished) but this one is now built! Here is the finished product (still a bit messy as I put a small console type table under the mirror):  The console table was added... as I needed to hide the power point from my dogs who like munching on power cables if too accessible.  Before I mounted it on the wall I had it propped up on a dining room chair...  There are plenty of resources on how to get the magic mirror tech side of things done.  The key resource is the Magic Mirror site:   I've also used Google a lot and Jayen helped me a lot too on various bits and pieces.   The main thing that is different is the way I put the frame/mirror component together.  Here are the high level details (oxymoron?): 1. bought mirror tint from Ali...