In the past I have had a home which had a whole of house filter. To filter out all the chlorine in the home and even the fluoride for drinking. Since I've moved to an apartment things have to be a bit different as the water that comes into the apartment for hot water is already hot. Which means any "whole" of apartment filter needs to be able to cope with hot water too. It's not that there isn't such a thing just that it was too hard to get the right plumber in for the job who knew what they were doing. So I decided to just get an over the sink kitchen filter for drinking water (and cooking and cleaning fishtanks and watering plants) and for my shower I just got a shower filter. And I worked out that I could buy special vitamin c tablets to dechlorinate my bath water. I've been using the dechorination tablets for over a year (you get about 20 tablets per tube and I got 5 tubes) when my mum was telling me about how she's going to start having bath
Thoughts and mutterings from @vontweeter