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Showing posts from 2007


How cool is this!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Add to my if I had so much money I can't think of what else to do with it... I'd buy a list!

Garden Makeover

We'll we have done some work on our place... and fixed up the backyard. See the progress of our yard here: Garden

Winsor Pilates?

I've fallen off the Six Week Body Makeover (6WBMO) already! I lasted a whole one week and a bit. Yes I lost weight. Yes I feel a bit better... but I'll never be able to sustain the "way of life" as people call it for longer than 2-3 weeks at most! It was very restrictive in terms of salt (no salt), fat (no fat), sugar (no sugar)... you get the idea. Was able to eat things like potatoes and rice though! But the mix of having protein and fruit in the morning for me was just not doable. The support forums at Provida are great and have lots of recipes but it just wasn't achieveable... especially the 5 meals a day. So now, I have learnt that smaller portions are enough to satisfy me, I'm continuing my water intake but have started adding back some of the things which were no nos: salt(but definitely in moderation), milk (only in tea / coffee), yoghurt. Tried to avoid wheat/flour based products. But a friend has put me onto Winsor Pilates, so I'll give...


I LOVE this... -- too bad I don't have enough people in my party to organise the wars! If you are finding it hard to get people in your house or your workplace to do their bit to keep the place clean and tidy maybe introduce this where people can earn points... maybe you can convert the points then to something else?

On the way into the city on the Bullet Bus

I'm on the coach service which is the Bullet Bus ( ) which I decided I would trial for 1 month to see how I go. This morning, I bulked up my shoes with extra insoles to cope with the two hikes to and from work between the bus stop which is on the Northern end of town. I was prepared to walk! I left the house at 6.50am and walked down to the Ettamogah Hotel where the bus/coach was waiting. I hopped on but the bus driver wasn't able to help me purchase any tickets as it was his first day too! So I've left my name and mobile number with the driver. I just hope I manage to work out where to catch the afternoon bus! (And leave work on time -- about 5.30pm -- to make it to the 6pm bus). The BulletBus coach is very comfy, and doesn't have that awful rubber/plastic smell that seems to permeate the Hillbus. I constantly feel like I'm going to puke with the stench of rubber when I get on the 6.12 pm 616 bus from the city! And then the bus driver i...
I haven't posted for a while so there is a fair amount to catch up on. One of the things I'd like to make note of are the things that are available to us in the local area of Kellyville Ridge. Internet I can reassure people that we are able to get ADSL 2 although we were unable to get Optus Cable in this area. We use TPG 3G Phone - Three I use a 3G Three Data card all the way into the city and also have a 3 Mobile phone and reception at our place seems to be fine. Transport I'm now catching a 616x bus into the city which is run by Hillsbus . Whilst I miss Busways , the Lane Cove Tunnel Express (as marked by the x in the bus route) gets me into the city in a reasonable amount of time. I have readjusted my bus to the 6.50am bus and get into work by 8.30am. (The 6.30am bus was getting me into the office 7.45am which was too early!). My return trip I try and get on the 5.52pm bus (from World Square bus stop) and it's getting me home by 7.30pm at the latest. The bus co...

Becoming Local

It's strange at the moment as we are new to the area and trying to work out where to shop, where to eat and where to go for different things. Certainly is a lot handier than Mt Kuring-gai! We're now just down the road from a couple of eating options and a petrol station for convenience goods (bread, milk etc). Food/Restaurants I was surfing around to get some ideas of where to go for food on which in our case wasn't very helpful. It's all very good to find out there are restaurants near by but the ratings others have given places don't seem to be consistent with our findings. So far we've gone to the Chinese restaurant in Norwest/Bella Vista (Golden Lake) -- very delicious! We've gone to a couple of Thai restaurants (one in Stanhope Gardens -- Thai Spice and one in Rouse Hill) both great but I would say our choices at Thai Spice definitely tasted better. We've tried the Ettamogah Pub which was good but nothing to really...

Twilight at Taronga -- Beatnix in lightning and rain

We went to Twilight at Taronga on 24 Feb 2007. It was starring the Beatnix. They were FABulous :) Very Beatlely! We hadn't seen them in action before but they had us up and dancing to Twist and Shout and Hey Jude! Some more obscure hits (to my uneducated ears) were played too. The rain made for interesting hiding spots whilst still trying to be able to see and keep within our "space" and not obstructing other people's view (with our umbrellas). We also had a couple of friends in lovely ponchos. The concert was very wet, but it just added to the atmosphere. Good company and good music isn't diluted by a little bit of rain and an amazing light show (lightning over the city -- the view from Taronga is amazing!)

We've moved!

We've moved house (in January) and we're settling in. A pic of the house is on the left. It's a really cool layout with a drive thru double garage and just a few doors away from McDonalds (both of benefit to Will not necessarily me!) Our neighbours seem lovely as well.