I've fallen off the Six Week Body Makeover (6WBMO) already! I lasted a whole one week and a bit. Yes I lost weight. Yes I feel a bit better... but I'll never be able to sustain the "way of life" as people call it for longer than 2-3 weeks at most! It was very restrictive in terms of salt (no salt), fat (no fat), sugar (no sugar)... you get the idea. Was able to eat things like potatoes and rice though! But the mix of having protein and fruit in the morning for me was just not doable. The support forums at Provida are great and have lots of recipes but it just wasn't achieveable... especially the 5 meals a day. So now, I have learnt that smaller portions are enough to satisfy me, I'm continuing my water intake but have started adding back some of the things which were no nos: salt(but definitely in moderation), milk (only in tea / coffee), yoghurt. Tried to avoid wheat/flour based products. But a friend has put me onto Winsor Pilates, so I'll give...