After the first run of exercises, I tried to get around with just wearing either my really weak contact lenses I had from before (they were daily ones which were around –4.50) but it wasn’t working too good. But it was a whole site better than trying to walk around with the –4.00 or –2.75 glasses which John had provided me. I lasted a whole of one work day and a weekend before I reverted to wearing my normal contact lenses. These normal contact lenses had already been backed off by me so hopefully didn’t impede my progress too much. To give you some idea of the progress, whilst wearing the –2.75 lenses I had to bring my laptop very close to be able to do any work. Right now I’m typing away at my laptop in a normal position and I’m doing fine!! So today was a cloudy with periods of sunshine type day. I was able to do some drills including the first time with the Star Chart. So I first did my distance drills and saw a bit of improvement. And t...
Thoughts and mutterings from @vontweeter