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Showing posts from December, 2014

Cruise ports NZ

On our cruise  with Royal Caribbean on Voyager of the Seas, we stopped in Auckland, Tauranga (Rotorua), Napier, Wellington, Picton in New Zealand.  Here are just some of the photos from the ports: Auckland in the dawn light Bored with normal photos I used an app to take this Auckland Zoo's Rhino Always love seeing Giraffes We just watched the Penguins of Madagascar on the ship in 3D Went to MOFAT museum.   Auckland's Sky Tower in the reflection Giapo's cones (we didn't have any of them) Creating a Gelato masterpiece here The weather was terrible but we had booked in for a Railcruising so after driving there we hopped into these self driving cars View from the back seat is good The Mount from the ship.  The weather really was terrible. Yep.  We're welcome but it'd be better in good weather I suspect! Napier puts on a great welcoming party with music, flowers and dressed up characters ...

Food glorious food! Cruiseship style

On a cruise ship a lot of it is about the food.  And boy was there plenty of it!! Here's some food porn from my phone (Nexus 5).  I used the Lens Blur function for most of it... and as you can see I didn't necessarily check it was good before closing my phone off. My phone only syncs when it's on Wifi so it did a lot of syncing when we got back home! In the captions below where MDR is used it stands for "Main Dining Room" which is the included food with the cruise.  We tended to let the waiters (we had Michael and Feliciano look after us in the Main Dining Room) recommend us something... found that was very reliable in finding something amazing to eat. MDR Prime Rib MDR Sliders (mini burgers) MDR Dessert (some gateaux) MDR Fish (sorry can't remember!) MDR Cheesecake MDR Soufflé (was definitely not the best I have had)  MDR Escargot (my mother very disappointed with this) MDR Lamb (yum!) MDR Chocolate cake ? ...