I’m continuing my eye exercises every second or third day so do it about 3 times a week – usually in the morning light. I’m sure I would get better results during the middle of the day but I don’t have the right facilities to do it at lunch time. The results have been good and I’ve been slowly making improvements. John has now got me some soft contact lenses –2.00 for both my right and left eyes. These are meant to somehow ‘remind’ my eyes the shape they are meant to be in as well as offering some correction so that I can at least see things to some extent. I’m still struggling in meeting rooms and either choose the seat closest to the screen or the furthest one so I can use my glasses. (I put the glasses on top of the contacts). John wasn’t too sure that was a good idea but since it works so well when I drive I have asked him to send me some less strong glasses, as the –2.75 lenses with the –2.00 contacts is really good for night time driving but r...
Thoughts and mutterings from @vontweeter