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Showing posts from May, 2009

NOSH Footrace

I participated in the 2009 NOSH Footrace. But only as a walker. It was 15kms of muddy trails and rocks to scramble over. There were sections which were technically more difficult than any of the Oxfam trail but I think that was due to the extra water on the trail. There was a section where Julie had to sacrifice her (at the time) dry left food and I had managed to sink into a very deep mud hole. Julie and I managed to finish in just under 3 hours. Even if the last 1km was a lot longer than any 1km I had walked before! Nikki somehow managed to run the 15kms in a very respectable time. Photo is of my very muddy trailwalker shoes!

Doing the Nightwalk

On Friday 29 May 2009, 11 of us trailwalkers: Team Eat Drink Walk Sleep (Yvonne, Will, Avelyn, Nathan) Two Peas Pursue a Spud (Pauline, Paul, Sue, Spuddy) Flying Mozzie Hidden Leech (Moz, Brett, Evelyn) braved the rainy weather and met up at the car park in Apple Tree Bay . After a brief discussion in the rain it was decided that we would go ahead and walk from CP2 (Berowra) to CP3 (Apple Tree Bay) with a 'safety' car in Mt Kuring-gai (just after the dreadful long driveway). Headtorches on we headed off through the streets of Berowra towards the trail. With a few stops to stretch, count off and just to work out where the trail was, the group managed to be injury free and finish the walk in 4 hours and 14 minutes. Not too bad for limited vision on the trail and a wrong turn by half of the group. We worked out the walkie talkies don't work too good in this terrain! Headtorches: give a surprising amount of light. But probably not enough if it was an individual person but t...